
How should we prepare for rapidly changing labor market?

What would be the keyword that describes the incident in 2020? A few might answer Presidential Election in U.S. is the most significant issue in this year, others will answer the conflict between U.S. and China. But majority will indicate COVID-19 as the biggest issue in 2020 that happened world-widely. In the first half of 2020, the major concerns that investors had was about how to respond to the pandemic; the second half was more of preparing post-pandemic life. 

Pandemic is just a trigger 

Pandemic has accelerated the structural shift that were already been planned throughout 2010s. Globalization on service sector especially on information technology, finance or investment has been speeding up whereas international transfer of goods and people has diminished. As lock-down was implemented to countermeasure against the pandemic, people started to stay at home. The demand on in-house service surged as indoor time spending increased. Consumers started to shop online through e-commerce platforms, food delivery was in high demand, and needs for stay-at-home device such as laptops, projector screens and home training equipment were inevitable. The change does not only apply to the lifestyle, but also the frame of education and work.

Working trend now

The article "After the Pandemic, a Revolution in Education and Work Awaits" written by Thomas Friedman shows how much the education and work trend will change according to the spread of COVID-19. The border between employers and employee will blur. Why? Video conference platform, Zoom has been one of the issue during 2010. In fact, Zoom was the only major company which has profit among the firms which were listed public in 2019. This is the sign that remote workers have increased significantly due to the great lockdown. In New York Times, staffs in 1990s had to work at office, where as they are now working at home. They are both full-time workers but the working environment has shifted significantly! Unwanted job status shift to freelancer was inevitable as furloughs were progressed from their own companies.  The place we work is not a considerable issue now. The frame has changed more than we think!

In the future

Many job-seekers are young generations worry about gradual job decrease due to development of artificial intelligence and automated robot systems. It is true that AI can replace the jobs which had less productivity to save more time. As shareholders require more earnings to the corporate, employers may lay-off more staff in need to secure cash and invest on something more profitable which can be seemed to lead more of unemployment rate. However it is not true. AI would not take the job, instead will create more of work. 

Luddite fallacy

Do you remember the incident in the 19th when industrial revolution was on the movement? To explain the background, The Luddites were a group of English textile workers. It is found that they were violently destroyed as new machines were supplied. People started to worry that the rise of new machines will take over the power of labor market. However, the new technology did not lead to overall unemployment in the economy. Somehow, it destroyed the existing jobs with low skill, however, the new demand surged as technology enhanced. This is called the Luddite fallacy that new technology creates new field of jobs. 

Future talents

As mentioned above, AI and automated machines will replace the job with low skills. This means that jobs with low barrier will gradually replaced by automation. The new jobs will emerge as technology develops. Competent workers will be in the demand to operate the firm efficiently. The trend of staff working permanently in only one company will slowly fade away as need of new ability rise. Workers or job applicants might change the work frequently. In order to be suitable for the company, people need to adapt to new technology and learn frequently. Learn-and-work is not applicable in the recent jobs; each applicant should have learning ability by themselves in using their private time. 

The future education in university or college will also change its position. As technology and demand of consumers are  constantly developing, university should be the place for nurturing students to be ready-workers in any environment. The studies in university should be more practical and useful in their future career and jobs. The workplace is not for learning or studying. It is to prove themselves how competent they are to accomplish their mission. The trend is rapidly changing and demand for adaption in new technology is skyrocketing. Employers will change employees more often, and employees will change the jobs very frequently by demand in new skills. That is what I think the labor market will be in the future. 

Source: NYT


Source: Luddite Fallacy


댓글 4개:

  1. I agree with the idea that the future labor market will change rapidly in line with the trend of the times. Then, in the future, which worker would you prefer, a person with a variety of skills or a person with a special skill?

    1. That is a tricky question but I love it. Well, I do not predict but I assume that a person with various skills will be required in the future. The reason is due to the influence of AI. I strongly believe AI will be designed in very specialized way that humans cannot manage. In the future, talents should not only focus on one objective. As technology develops rapidly, talents should have ability to adapt in new environment which are in need of various skills.

    2. If it's your logic, we need to accumulate various tasks and experiences from now on to prepare for the future. But, can AI replace professionals like doctors, judges, prosecutors and CEOs?

    3. In fact, nobody knows the future.
