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Why is economy of Singapore in near crisis.

Singapore's economic is in crisis. The growth in second quarter of 2019 was negative 3.3% which was the lowest in seven years. Non-oil exports shrank 17% compared to the same period last year. Retail sales plunged 8.9% for five consecutive months, car sales shrank 32%, furniture and home appliances fell 15%, computers and technology equipment plummet over 7%, which were the signs of a fall of durable goods. The aftermath of the recession was quickly transmitted to the corporates and led to the cases where the corporate bond transactions have halted. Unprecedented recession has taken over Singapore economy recently.

Singapore is one of the richest countries in Asia. The population of Singapore is about 5.5 million, but it is enough to be the 20th largest economy in the world. Port of Singapore was the world largest trading port (later it was overtaken by Shanghai Port) as a center of transit trade taking advantage of its geological location connecting the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. And as the world's number one transshipment port, the transshipment volume is responsible about for 20% of the world's transshipment cargo.

Singapore can be regarded to be an economy in which exports and imports are taking over the most part. Singapore's import and export volume exceeds 200% of its gross domestic product. Singapore economy is showing a marked decline in 2019. Since, Singapore's largest trading partner is China, the downturn in China's economy and the outcome of the US-China trade dispute are hurting economy of Singapore directly. Singapore has also served as a financial hub and a gateway to investment in Chinese companies. Indeed, many Chinese real estate developers have raised enormous amounts of financing from Singaporean banks. However, some of which are now in default, which is a factor holding back Singapore's economic growth.

Singapore economy grew through a dictatorship under the leader of Lee Kuan Yew and took advantage of strategic ally of the United States. Also, the economy benefited from globalization for the past 40 years and China’s economic reform. However, while Japan, Korea, and Taiwan have achieved remarkable industrial leaps from automobiles, shipbuilding industry, electronics, and semiconductors. Meanwhile Singapore is mainly focusing on finance, services, and software.

It should be noted that the countermeasures of economic policy makers can create a discriminatory response amid concerns about how the decline in global trade volume due to de-globalization and the US-China trade dispute will have an adverse impact on Singapore's economy.

Source: Big Hit

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